Thanksgiving (United States) from
... Thanksgiving Day is a time each year , dating back to our founding , when we lay aside the troubles and disagreements of the day and bow our heads in humble recognition of the providence bestowed upon our Nation . Amidst the uncertainty ...
Thanksgiving (United States) from
... Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday , dating back to the Pilgrims and Plymouth , Massachusetts . When the Pil- grims sat down for Thanksgiving dinner in 1621 , of course , they didn't have the usual trimmings : no potatoes , no ...
Thanksgiving (United States) from
... United States . ( AE 2.110 : 102-78 ) , 92- 3766 National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving . Joint Resolution Entitled " National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving . " United States . ( AE 2.110 : 102-24 ) , 92-1235 National Defense Cadet ...
Thanksgiving (United States) from
United States. WHEREAS it is fitting that the recurring anniversary of this day should be commemorated by exercises ... Thanksgiving Day , have always turned their thoughts to thankfulness for the blessings of 1932 . Almighty God ...
Thanksgiving (United States) from
United States. WHEREAS it is fitting that the recurring anniversary of this day should be commemorated by exercises ... Thanksgiving Day , have always turned their thoughts to thankfulness for the blessings of 1932 . Almighty God ...
Thanksgiving (United States) from
... Thanksgiving tradition , which reminds us that we , as a people and individ- ually , always have reason to hope and trust in God , despite great adversity . In 1621 in New England , the Pilgrims gave thanks to God , in whom they placed ...
Thanksgiving (United States) from
... United States of America the two hundred and thirty - third . GEORGE W. BUSH Proclamation 8322 of November 21 , 2008 Thanksgiving Day , 2008 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Thanksgiving is a time for ...
Thanksgiving (United States) from
United States. November 28 , 1895 , set apart as a day of ing . To the end therefore that we may with thankful hearts unite in extol- national thanksgiving the loving care of our Heavenly Father , I Grover Cleveland , President of the ...