Halloween from
Alvin Boyd Kuhn, the author of the popular New Lectures on the Ancient Wisdom series, offers up an essay on the origins of Halloween and its traditions, including the candle in the pumpkin, broomstick riding witches, apple in a tub of water ...
Halloween from
Trick or Treat is the first book both to examine the origins and history of Halloween and to explore in depth its current global popularity.
Halloween from
In The Halloween Tree, master of fantasy Ray Bradbury takes readers on a riveting trip though space and time to discover the true origins of Halloween.
Halloween from
Halloween and Opposite Day fall on the same date this year! Find out how the fun-loving monsters on Full Moon Lane celebrate in this book of opposites, treats, tricks, and surprises.
Halloween from
Did you know that Halloween began as a day that marked the start of the winter season? Many people decorate their homes for Halloween. Explore these and other fascinating facts in Halloween, a Let’s Celebrate American Holidays book.
Halloween from
This book introduces the significance of the Fourth of July holiday and the origin and meaning of its celebration with fireworks.
Halloween from
A band of trick-or-treaters and a mother cat and her kittens spend a very scary Halloween.
Halloween from
Halloween is part of Jump!'s Holiday Fun! series.
Halloween from
Encourage safe yet exciting Halloween fun for your child in this colorful, rhyming tale Halloween is a frightfully fantastic time of year for people of all ages but is especially fun as a child!